By Shad Helmstetter.
A short post on the book What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter. The author explains the importance to have positive self-talk in order to enjoy a fulfilled and successful life.

You can find the full size MindMap here.
Learn how to think what you think and you will begin to determine and redirect most of your future for yourself.
Wire new ideas
Our brain is a multitude of connections between neurons, called synapses. We can consciously choose to wire a new idea by thinking about what we want to wire.

It is important to understand how the brain
We are able to program conscious and subconscious with self-talk.
Every thought we think, conscious or unconscious is translated into electrical impulses.The more you think about something the more you will believe it.
Self-Management Sequence
You are responsible for your Programming by consciously choose an adequate Self-Talk.
Behavior (actions) is guided by Feelings.
Feelings are guided by Attitudes.
Attitudes are guided by Beliefs.
Beliefs are guided by Programming.
The 5 Level of Self-Talk
It exists 5 levels of Self-Talk. First 2 are negatives so focus on the last 3.
- Level
1 : I can’t… - Level
2 : I need to… I should… - Level
3 : I never… I no longer… - Level
4 : I am… Already taken place… Most effective! - Level
5 : It is…
- External Motivation doesn’t last.
- Silent Self-Talk: transform your internal talk.
It exists different techniques to apply an adequate Self-Talk.
Silent Self-Talk in your head.
Self-Speak (loud) talk out loud with yourself.
Self-Conversation have a conversation with yourself: in the shower for example.
Self-Write write what you want to wire in your brain.
Recorded Self-Talk you can also record and listen to it every morning.
“Believing in incredible You” click here.
3 steps to an effective Self-Talk
1- MONITOR: monitor your thoughts, analyze how you talk to yourself. You need to identify all the negative talks.
2- EDIT: edit negatives talks with something positive, think about your real objectives and edit your self-talk accordingly.
3- LISTEN: listen to your new self-talk, repeat it, improve it.