6 Powerful, Neuroscience-based, Principles to Learn Better

by Sharon L. Bowman.

This post presents the 6 Powerful principles to Learn and Teach better. You can use it when you want to train yourself or someone else.

You can find the original article here.

Here the list of the 6 principles:

  1. Movement
 is better than 
  2. Talking 
is better than 
  3. Images
 is better than 
  4. Writing
 is better than 
  5. Shorter 
is better than 
  6. Different
 is better than 

 is better than 

This principle is easy to understand. The brain works better when well oxygenated and movement increase oxygenation of the brain. At the opposite when sitting for a long time oxygen level in the brain decrease.

So you should move before or when you are learning something.

is better than 

When you talk about something you learned you process the information 3 times:

  1. Listening to it
  2. Thinking about it
  3. Restating by using your own words

So the best way to learn something is to teach it.

 is better than 

Brain remember better images than words. By seeing an image the brain remembers the entire picture.

So use mental images or metaphors to remember something.

 is better than 

Have you already tried to write something by thinking about something else? It’s not possible! When writing the brain focus only on what you are writing. Writing is kinesthetic, visual-spatial, and tactile.

So write a short summary on what you are learning.

is better than 

When you spell a telephone number to remember it do you spell it as a list of 10? Chances are that you split it as chunks of 2 numbers. Brain remember better when is shorter.

So do short learning sessions instead of long ones (10 to 20 minutes each and pause).

 is better than 

New things or changes in something we always knew will retain more attention than something that is routine (because it is boring, so the brain ignores it).

So make your learning different to remember better.

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